
Voiceover Directory

Voice Over Talent Tips – Using Proper Microphone Technique

[ad_1] The ability to use proper microphone technique to bring out the best in your voice is indicative of a true voice over professional. Learning and utilizing proper microphone technique is incredibly helpful when it comes to editing, mixing and producing great voice overs. For a voice talent, knowing how to: avoid plosives, adjust for dynamics, and "work" the microphone…

Voice Overs? Why Would You Need Professional Voice Over Talent?

[ad_1] The business world is flooded with presentations. Meetings are filled with slides, videos, webinars and other communication tools. The graphics, animations and color schemes are appealing. Too often, however, someone reads the text displayed on the screen in a matter-of-fact tone that is not always effective. What is a marketing executive, Human Resources manager, Vice President, etc. to do?…

Voice Overs – Connecting the Target Market

[ad_1] Connecting with target market, voice overs have become the primary element to advertise your business campaign in a right way. Nowadays, online advertising and podcasting have opened gates to a number of channels in order to increase the visibility of their products. Offering loads of benefits, they market your business in a better way. Now, adding voice based tools…

Voice Over Software – How the Simplest Software Can Give You the Highest Quality Recording

[ad_1] Do your eyes start to roll back in your head when you start thinking about what to do about voice over software? You are not alone! Lots of players are players first, and engineers … Well, they are definitely not engineers first! There is so much that you can do with recording software today, and as a voice actor,…

Voice Over Software – How the Simplest Software Can Give You the Highest Quality Recording

[ad_1] Do your eyes start to roll back in your head when you start thinking about what to do about voice over software? You are not alone! Lots of players are players first, and engineers … Well, they are definitely not engineers first! There is so much that you can do with recording software today, and as a voice actor,…

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